Previous: The [module].conf suite configuration, Up: Configuration files

4.5.3 The test.conf test configuration

Finally, you need to setup an additional configuration file for each test to be executed. This test.conf file is stored inside the compressed RTA file.

There is no mandatory parameter in this configuration file, and only environment variables may be defined in it (new ones or overriding the ones specified in the suite configuration file).

[module].[VARNAME] (Optional)
Where ‘VARNAME’ will be a valid environment variable that may be used in the specific TCL script of this RTA test. You can specify in any of these environment variables the %COMMON% reserved word to indicate the suite-specific ‘common’ directory (prefix/suites/[module]/common/), or the ZIPBASE reserver word to indicate the directory where the RTA was decompressed (so that test-specific files stored inside the RTA can be referenced from within the TCL script).

An example of test.conf configuration file (to be used in a test of the ‘generic’ module, is the following:

     # test.conf
     # Configuration file for a specific test in the ARTE testing framework
     # New environment vars for the TCL interpreter
     # Override suite-specific environment var
     generic.HELLO="Hoola Mundo!"