4.2 Execution sequence
The normal execution of ARTE goes as follows:
- ARTE initialization
- ARTE framework is started after having issued the `arte' command with
the correct arguments.
- The input arguments are parsed and the initial framework configuration is setup.
- The ‘Configuration Subsystem’ reads the arte.conf configuration file
to know, among others, which are the test suites to run.
- The ‘Configuration Subsystem’ reads the suite-specific configuration file.
- The ‘CHECK Engine’ creates de list of valid test suites to run (one suite
per module to be tested, usually).
- The ‘CHECK Engine’ creates de list of tests to execute in each test suite.
- The ‘CHECK Engine’ starts running the tests in each suite, one by one,
creating a CHECK Test environment (forked processed if necessary) and initiating
the per-test ‘ZIP/RTA Subsystem’.
- For each RTA test,
- The ‘TCL Subsystem’ decides which RTA should be executed, and triggers its
checking and decompression in the ‘ZIP/RTA Subsystem’.
- The ‘ZIP/RTA Subsystem’ creates a temporary directory with a random name,
and decompresses the RTA file in it.
- The ‘ZIP/RTA Subsystem’ checks the correctness of the RTA file, gets the
version number of the RTA and decides if it can be run in the framework.
- The ‘Configuration Subsystem’ reads the specific configuration of the RTA
- The ‘TCL Subsystem’ runs the plugin initialization (SETUP) function.
- The ‘TCL Subsystem’ starts the module to be tested (if specified).
- The ‘TCL Subsystem’ gets the module-specific command from the ‘PLUGIN’.
- The ‘TCL Subsystem’ creates the customized TCL interpreter, containing the
ARTE Core commands plus the Plugin commands.
- The ‘TCL Subsystem’ sets the environment variables coming in the
suite-specific or test-specific configuration files.
- The ‘TCL Subsystem’ runs the TCL script for the given RTA file.
- Once the test finishes, the ‘TCL Subsystem’ stops the module to be tested
(if specified).
- The ‘TCL Subsystem’ runs the plugin deinitialization (TEARDOWN) function.
- Generating outputs
- The ‘Visualization Subsystem’ modifies the Check-generated XML results,
file to include the link to the XSLT to be used.
- The ‘Visualization Subsystem’ creates the HTML log file, if specified.
- The ‘Visualization Subsystem’ adds an entry to the list of ARTE executions
in the index HTML file.